Our mission is to provide students with comprehensive academic support that goes beyond the traditional tutoring model.

After more than a decade of working as a private tutor to students across the U.K. and internationally, founder Andy Williamson recognised a growing need for holistic, individualised learning support. He realised that subject matter knowledge was just one component of academic success and that traditional tutoring didn’t account for a student’s unique learning style and mental health.

A Three-Pillar Approach to Learning

Our approach to learning is that of a hierarchy of needs. Underpinning any academic performance are solid executive function skills. Without these, a student cannot reach their full academic potential. Similarly, executive function is dependent upon a student’s overall wellness—particularly their mental health. For example, students with high anxiety or depression often struggle to develop the executive function skills needed to focus during lessons and complete tasks on time.

To support a student’s learning, all three of these components—academic content, executive function, and mental health—must be addressed.


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Should a student require it, we are happy to liaise with school learning support teams, learning disability specialists, and therapists to advocate for their needs. Our network of partner organizations and resources also allows us to refer families to get further support should they require it.

Please contact us at hello@hamptontutors.co.uk if you have any questions about how we can help support you or your child.


Founder, Andy Williamson


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